Project 1

Spring 2021 Update

In October I had had a meeting with my group to plan the work for this year. It was clear that we had to reschedule some experiments due to the problems caused by Covid-19.
In particular we decided to start the behavioural experiment: we made the pilot study at the end of 2020. It was extremely interesting. For that experiment we went to ETSEA (Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Agrària) that is the agriculture faculty of the University of Lleida. 
Now I am analysing all the data related to that pilot experiment to be ready for the official one that will take place in the next weeks. The eggs are already in the incubator!
Meanwhile I am analysing my first experiment related to the classification of amygdalar neurons. To that aim, I am doing fluorescent double labelling, combining fluorescent in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence to analyse neuropeptides and development-related transcription factors. The set-up of this fluorescent experiment was a bit tricky (also the analysis at the confocal microscope), but now I am obtaining spectacular pictures and, of course, interesting data. 
During this time, I also set up a procedure that was not scheduled in my project, but is extremely useful to reduce the number of animals necessary for each experiment. The procedure is the triple labelling (one fluorescent in situ hybridization with double immunofluorescence), combining 3 markers I will have interesting results in particular relating to the identification of activation of specific neuronal populations following stress stimuli.
In February I had the opportunity to participate in an event related to the international “Women's science day” organized by #100fiques, presenting myself and my project (online) to the students of the secondary school “Istitut Narcìs Oller” in Tarragona. I thank the organizers for their invitation to participate in this event. 
At this point I expect to have more news in a couple of months so I will update soon!

Last modified: Tue, 04 May 2021 10:57:31 BST